Develop a program that cleans clothes efficiently in 30°C under one hour 

We want to empower consumers to wash clothes at 30°C. So we’ve launched a time and energy-saving program that ensures clean results.

59 minute Eco washing machine program

Save time, energy AND your clothes—all at once

We know people want to make more sustainable choices when it comes to laundry care but we’re also aware of barriers in the way.  

Firstly, most eco washing cycles are inconveniently long.  So we get it. Since you’re busy and have limited time to devote to laundry care in your everyday life, you’re more likely to choose a shorter, more convenient option even though it’s more energy-demanding 

Secondly, old laundry care habits die hard. Many of us are still stuck in traditions passed down the generations, such as choosing to wash at 40°C or 60°C to ensure clean results. This idea of clothes not getting clean enough at lower temperatures comes from a time when washing machines weren’t as efficient as they are now. But times have changed. And the problem with sticking to higher temperatures is more energy is used and fibers in the garments get damaged.

With our focus on creating more sustainable living, we want to break down both these barrierand empower you to make better choices when it comes to garment careThrough this action, we can do just that. Our new 59minute 30°C washing machine program not only saves more than 30% energy compared to a cotton 40°C cycle – but also helps clothes last longer, saves time and gives effective cleaning results. 

If you’re going out to find this program, it’s named OKOpower” in our AEG range and “Ultrawash” in our Electrolux range and is already available within the European market on our 8000 and 9000 series (AEG) and PC800 and 900 (Electrolux) washing machines. But we won’t stop there. We’ll be rolling the program out beyond Europe soon.  

We’re happy to be empowering consumers to be kinder to clothes and the planet.  

Better Living action plan

The Better Living action plan by Electrolux Group is a range of actions to support our goals within the domains of better eating, better clothing care, and better wellbeing at home. It also encompasses how Electrolux Group can better its own operations. If you have any questions, please write to us at: